Blog Archive

Updates and Observations from the Webvanta Development Team

Reconsidering Motion in Web Page Elements

The top-of-page slideshow or carousel has become very common in modern web designs. These design elements allow that precious top-of-page real estate to contain more content, by adding the time dimension so the same spot can contain multiple items. They also introduce some motion into the page, which makes it seem more attractive. However, they have their downside.

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Topics: Web Design

Webvanta is Growing: Two Developer Openings

Are you an outstanding developer with a passion for delivering great web and mobile experiences? Webvanta is growing, and we have two developer openings: one for a front-end developer, and another for a back-end developer with Ruby on Rails and server ops experience.

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Topics: Cloud CMS Hosting

Optimizing Your Site for the iPad Mini and iPhone 5

Optimizing Your Site for the iPad Mini and iPhone 5 image

In the past few months, Apple has rolled out an iPhone and an iPad with different screen sizes than previous devices. If you haven't yet paid attention to making your site mobile-optimized, the popularity of these new devices, along with many other options from Apple and in the Android world, make it that much more important for you to do so.

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Topics: Mobile Web Design

Happy 5th Anniversary, iPhone

Anniversaries, such as last week's 5th anniversary of the introduction of the iPhone, provide a great excuse for retrospection.

Just five years ago, in the pre-iPhone era, the mobile phone world was a very different place. The iPhone triggered a massive, seismic shift in the mobile phone landscape, from carrier-controlled phones with lousy software and pathetic web capabilities to the smartphones we enjoy today.

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Topics: Mobile Web Design

Optimizing Your Designs for Humans

In creating a great website or app, you have a diverse set of guidelines and considerations to deal with. Despite the wide variety of issues, opinions, and platforms, there is one underlying constant you can depend on (we hope): the user is a human being.

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Topics: Web Design